You’re a dedicated fitness coach. You love what you do. 

Sure, you’re making ~decent~ money – but you know you could be making A LOT more.

Meanwhile, you’re working SO HARD.

You’re giving your ALL to your coaching clients. You’re posting all the time on social media – responding to the DMs, showing up, doing everything you’re “supposed” to do. You feel like you are working ALL THE TIME… and keeping that positive attitude up every single day is getting harder and harder.

You’re tired. You feel tapped out.

You know it’s POSSIBLE for you to make more money every month. But how?

You see other coaches with products. You think maybe *you* should be creating and selling products. But WHAT? And how would you find more time to do that?!

Maybe you should hire someone to help you with the business. But can you afford that? And what would you even get them to do?


So you hit up Google. You check out your fitness coach inspirations on Insta.

And… you STILL aren’t sure what you should do to grow and scale your biz.

In fact, now you have more questions than answers. You’re even more overwhelmed and unsure of what to do. So, you keep treading water and hope things will magically become clear.

Meanwhile, you’re still working your butt off to make “enough” money. And you are definitely still tapped out.

Is this really what it takes to build a successful online coaching business?

I was exactly where you are.

I was a great fitness coach, but I knew absolutely nothing about building a successful business in the beginning.

It pains me to see people who are so good at coaching and helping their clients achieve amazing results struggle SO MUCH to create a highly profitable business.

In fact, there are a few things I hear over and over that I want to call out, once and for all.

I was exactly where you are.

I was a great fitness coach, but I STRUGGLED to consistently grow my business -- so I get it.

It pains me to see people who are so good at coaching and helping their clients achieve amazing results struggle SO MUCH to create a highly profitable business.

In fact, there are a few things I hear over and over that I want to call out, once and for all.

Here are 3 myths I’m calling B.S. on:

1. I’ve hit a ceiling that’s IMPOSSIBLE to bust through in business – I can’t make more money

I’ve proven this with my own business + with the hundreds of other fitness coaches I’ve taken through my programs: There’s ALWAYS a path forward in your business.

You’re not stuck. You’re not trapped. You CAN scale, grow and exceed your “OMG-is-this-even-possible” financial goals. You just haven’t found the right solution… until now.

2. The fitness coaching industry is too saturated and I’ll NEVER stand out

There are a lot of coaches out there, sure. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t room for YOU and your unique coaching style. 

You don’t need to stand out to everyone – just to the right clients. What you need to know is how many clients you need a month to hit your income goals (it’s probably less than you think) and then how to own your own unique style, coaching and fitness approach

3. I’m not good enough/fit enough/smart enough to become an in-demand fitness coach

This is a lie we ALL tell ourselves when something is scary.

If you’re already coaching clients and have gotten them amazing results, you know you are good at this. Everything we do in life is a learning journey. All you need to know is that you can help your clients do something they can’t do on their own.

You need the support of a business mentor who has done what you want to do. We all get help and support – trust me, no one who has built their fitness empire has done it alone!

Unsurprisingly, if you’ve bought into any of these myths, it’s probably a big reason why you feel stuck in your business.

And if you have bought into these myths, you’re not to blame.

You’ve been taught you *just* need the right mindset and to stay focused and never give up to build the wellness business of your dreams.

But stay focused on what? You need more than just focus and sheer will to build a successful fitness business. You need the RIGHT systems and strategies to focus on.

If you’re a health or fitness coach who is ready to work less but make MORE $$$, have full confidence that your client schedule will be booked out every month and want to step into your CEO [workout] shoes...

Then you’re in the right place. 

The truth is…

The path to scaling a health & fitness business can be tough if you’re going at it alone.

Especially if you are guessing what others are doing OR you’re taking advice from someone who has never scale a health& fitness business. 

✔ easily make $8-15K+ a month

stop feeling so overwhelmed, overworked and unsure of what to do next

✔ feel confident that your business model will keep making you money and keep growing
✔ make more money but not work more – to actually work LESS
✔ create a new income stream with a product suite that you can sell consistently and easily

✔ have a better sales process & system to more consistently convert leads into sales

The frustration and overwhelm you’ve been feeling in trying to grow your business past the $2-7K/month mark isn’t your fault.

The real question is …

How do you make sure you're getting the right advice and guidance so you CAN do the right things to scale your online coaching biz?


The business mastermind designed by a fitness CEO who has built her own 6-figure coaching business and will show you exactly how to go from coach to CEO.


The wellness business mastermind designed by a fitness CEO who has built her own 6-figure coaching business and will show you exactly how to go from coach to CEO

Hey! I’m Lynette. 
And I was exactly where you are now.

I was an amazing fitness coach, but I knew *nothing* about how to build and grow a successful coaching business.

But I learned with the help and guidance from a business mentor, and now I’m a former fitness coach turned business coach who’s growing the 7-figure business of my dreams. And I’m doing it by helping women turn their dreams into reality – just like I did!

I’ve taken my 8+ years of experience in sales, marketing, program development and content creation and put it ALL into The Wellness CEO Mastermind, a 6-month business mastermind designed to help women take their businesses from shaky start-ups to thriving empires.

Plus, I’m a wife, cat mom (if you follow me on Instagram, you already know!), and lover of all things related to travel and food. The only thing I love more than dreaming about my next vacation destination and what I’ll eat when I get there?

Helping women achieve their big, hairy, scary dreams and goals.

So, stick with me – I’ll show you EXACTLY what you need to do to level up and start making the money and impact you’re truly capable of.

The Wellness CEO Mastermind gives you everything you need to break through that income plateau and build the online fitness coaching business you’re dreaming of.

Real-life results from other fitness coaches who have worked with me:

"I am so thankful that I made the leap and invested in the WCM as I have not only found an incredible support group of other successful ladies, but also have already seen amazing changes.

In just two months, I 8x my February income from 2021 to 2022 and am on track to double my income from last year while also expanding my product suite to make health and fitness more accessible to more busy women!"


"I swear as soon as I said yes to WCM, everything changed for me. In the first month, I doubled my highest month all year. Within the first eight weeks, I had already made my investment back and then some. Within the first three months of this year (four months into the program), I’ve made more than I did all last year.

I absolutely regret not getting help with all of the business things that I was just DIYing for so long, and I could not recommend this program enough if you’re ready to level up your coaching business."


"Before I started working with Lynette I was a little fish in a HUGE pond... After 6 months of working with Lynette I was able to scale my business to 20+ clients, have my first 4-figure launch, and build the foundation needed to get me to my first 5-figure month just a couple months later!

Now I have a business with over 30 clients, 2 team members, and was able to make over $100k in my first year of business!

If you are thinking about working with Lynette, take it from me, it will be one of the BEST investments you ever make! Lynette helped me realize my true potential and has forever changed my business!"


"I reached out to Lynette a year ago after following her on Instagram for years. At that point in my business I had been grinding for a few years and was working towards the goal of $5k a month. I had only hit it once. I had pretty much no organization in my business and taking any time away from it seemed impossible.

Over the last year I have hired my first assistant, launched a second group coaching program, and hit my first $20k month. I am consistently hitting $12k months. 

Aside from the money though, I can honestly say I feel so much more relaxed in business. The systems I have in place now allow my business to function without me constantly working on it. I am able to travel and take time away from wifi without worrying about it all burning to the ground. Oh yeah, that $20k month happened while I was camping at a music festival!

Lynette has been a constant support of mine not only in business but in my personal life which directly affects my business. I could not be more grateful for having someone like her in my corner through all of this growth!"


If you don’t want to grow and challenge yourself, then the Wellness CEO Mastermind isn’t for you. 

I’m pushing you out of your comfort zone inside this program. You’ll get a solid and proven system to increase your revenue, create a steady stream of high-paying clients and scale your business well beyond the six-figure mark… so if you’re ready to do the work, here’s your 6-month action plan:

Module 1: Branding

Your next level in business requires next-level branding. I’ll teach you how to step up your brand awareness so you’re not just *a* coach in your industry… you’re THE go-to expert.

Module 2: Sales Process

We don’t cross our fingers and hope for sales… we create a full-fledged sales process & system that creates predictability to our income and draws a consistent stream of clients.

Module 3: Backend Business Organization/Systems

An organized backend to your business saves you HOURS of time in your business each week, and gives you that time back to spend making even more money (or watching more Netflix… your choice!). You’ll learn exactly how to automate as much as possible in your business and make sure it runs seamlessly.

Module 4: Launching

The secret to major brand awareness, killer sales momentum and BIG cash months is LAUNCHING… and I’ll be teaching you my proven launch strategies, step by step!

Module 5: Email Marketing

Email marketing is a need, not a want, for high-level coaches. We’ll be leveling up your outreach and sales by mastering email marketing!

Module 6: Product Suite

How do you create multiple products and sell them all consistently without confusing your audience or having your offers compete with each other? I’ll teach you how inside this module!

Module 7: Next Level Mindset

It wouldn’t be a Lynette Marie program without mindset work… and with every new level in business, you hit new mental roadblocks. We’ll work through those in module 7!

Module 8: Hiring

If you want to scale, you need help. I’ll show you how to hire your first team member and start building a dream team of people who will support you in reaching all of your business goals!

PLUS get all the support you need over the full 6 months with:

2 (90-minute) group calls every month

3 (45-minute) private calls with me to use when you need over the course of the program + 1 90-minute DEEP DIVE private call

2 (120-minute) co-working sessions a month

Lifetime access to video modules (and access to all other video modules/programs I have)

Our super supportive Slack community where you can ask questions, get help and share ideas

And to accelerate your results even faster, you'll get lifetime access to these business-boosting bonuses:

If you don’t want to grow and challenge yourself, then the Wellness CEO Mastermind isn’t for you. 

I’m pushing you out of your comfort zone inside this program. You’ll get a solid and proven system to increase your revenue, create a steady stream of high-paying clients and scale your business well beyond the six-figure mark… so if you’re ready to do the work, here’s your 6-month action plan:

Module 1: Branding

Your next level in business requires next-level branding. I’ll teach you how to step up your brand awareness so you’re not just *a* coach in your industry… you’re THE go-to expert.

Module 2: Sales Process

We don’t cross our fingers and hope for sales… we create a full-fledged sales process & system that creates predictability to our income and draws a consistent stream of clients.

Module 3: Backend Business Organization/Systems

An organized backend to your business saves you HOURS of time in your business each week, and gives you that time back to spend making even more money (or watching more Netflix… your choice!). You’ll learn exactly how to automate as much as possible in your business and make sure it runs seamlessly.

Module 4: Launching

The secret to major brand awareness, killer sales momentum and BIG cash months is LAUNCHING… and I’ll be teaching you my proven launch strategies, step by step!

Module 5: Email Marketing

Email marketing is a need, not a want, for high-level coaches. We’ll be leveling up your outreach and sales by mastering email marketing!

Module 6: Product Suite

How do you create multiple products and sell them all consistently without confusing your audience or having your offers compete with each other? I’ll teach you how inside this module!

Module 7: Next Level Mindset

It wouldn’t be a Lynette Marie program without mindset work… and with every new level in business, you hit new mental roadblocks. We’ll work through those in module 7!

Module 8: Hiring

If you want to scale, you need help. I’ll show you how to hire your first team member and start building a dream team of people who will support you in reaching all of your business goals!

PLUS get all the support you need over the full 6 months with:

2 (90-minute) group calls every month

5 (30-minute) private calls  +
1 90-minute DEEP DIVE private call

2 (120-minute) co-working sessions a month

Lifetime access to video modules (and access to all other video modules/programs I have)

Our super supportive Slack community (with private messaging access to me 5 days a week) where you can ask questions, get help and share ideas

And to accelerate your results even faster, you'll get lifetime access to these business-boosting bonuses:

  •  Social Media With Impact
You’ll get access to my online course, Social Media With Impact, where I’ll teach you how to create content that draws and excites the people who are perfect candidates for your services, and I’ll share my proven Instagram-specific strategies for attracting the followers who need exactly what you’re offering.
  •  Fitness Coaching Business Accelerator
See what I share in my 4-month business incubator, including tried and true strategies for growing a fitness coaching business effectively. It will show you how to consistently get more leads, confidently bring in new clients, and establish your fitness coaching business online.
  • All my Fitness Courses
How do we make sure you’re the best fitness coach for your clients? We don’t just focus on the sales and marketing piece. We ALSO increase your fitness education. Inside my signature courses, The Balance & Thrive Course and The Secret to Fat Loss, you’ll be educated on how to lose fat, gain balance, and create a whole new lifestyle of health, confidence and freedom. (And see how you can set up your own successful courses)

What you’re really getting when you join The Wellness CEO Mastermind...


So much of the business advice out there doesn’t work for the fitness and wellness industry. Following that advice is guaranteed to keep you stuck. Get the systems and processes that have been proven to grow a multiple-six-figure coaching business from someone who has actually done it. 


You’ll learn that so much of what’s been holding you back is just lies you’ve told yourself or been led to believe. With my support and the support of our community, you’ll see that with your determination (that I know you have!), you can do ANYTHING. Get more clients, charge higher prices, work less, build a business you are proud of – it’s ALL possible.


I couldn’t teach how to build a multiple-six-figure coaching business if I hadn’t already done it myself. You can trust that everything I teach you is something that I’ve done and proven works in my own business. Stop guessing what other coaches are doing and find the system that works for YOU and helps you achieve your goals.


Your fellow Wellness CEO Mastermind members get it. These women are where you are, feeling frustrated, like they’ve plateaued and are unsure of what to do next. They’ll give you the support and understanding you’ve been craving and we will celebrate all of our wins (no matter how big or small!) TOGETHER.

“My first launch, my goal was five one-on-one clients. After signing EIGHT clients in the first 24 hours of my launch, I ended up closing it early! I will never forget that moment. It took much less time than anticipated to make back my investment.”

- Natalie

“On top of all of the information Lynette has put into this program, the group calls and support from Lynette, I can’t tell you how much of a game changer the community built within this program has been for me. I never thought I would enjoy a group program as much as I have this one and the amazing support system it has brought me."

- Sarah

“My first launch, my goal was five one-on-one clients. After signing EIGHT clients in the first 24 hours of my launch, I ended up closing it early! I will never forget that moment. It took much less time than anticipated to make back my investment.”

- Natalie

“On top of all of the information Lynette has put into this program, the group calls and support from Lynette, I can’t tell you how much of a game changer the community built within this program has been for me. I never thought I would enjoy a group program as much as I have this one and the amazing support system it has brought me."

- Sarah



Here’s the details and everything you get when you join

✔️ Access to the Mastermind and the Slack community for 6 months
✔️ 2 (90 minute) group calls every month (90 minutes)
✔️ 1 90-minute DEEP DIVE private call
✔️ 5 30-minute private coaching calls
✔️ Private 1:1 messaging access to me
✔️ Lifetime access to Video modules (and access to all other video modules/programs I have)
✔️ Our super-supportive Slack community where you can ask questions, get help and share ideas




Here’s the details and everything you get when you join

✔️ Access to the Mastermind and the Slack community for 6 months
✔️ 2 (90 minute) group calls every month (90 minutes)
✔️ 2 (45 minute) private calls with me to use when you need over the course of the program 
✔️ Video modules (and access to all other video modules/programs I have)
✔️ Our super supportive Slack community where you can ask questions, get help and share ideas

This mastermind is for

who are ready to break through their self-imposed limits and 
take charge of their business and their futures.

The Wellness CEO Mastermind is a close-knit, supportive community that's all about tough love and getting it done.

After all, nothing worth having ever comes easy.

And if you're not ready to show up and do the work… this might not be for you.

However, The Wellness CEO Mastermind IS perfect for you if…

You’re sitting at ~$2-7K revenue a month and feel STUCK

This Mastermind will show you how to break through this barrier and easily and consistently bring more income into your online coaching business – WITHOUT taking on more clients.

You’ve tried other things and not gotten you the results you want

The Wellness CEO Mastermind is *specifically* designed for health, wellness, lifestyle + mindset coaches who want to grow a multiple-six-figure coaching business – by me… the CEO of a multiple-six-figure coaching business.

You feel exhausted and totally tapped out

If scaling feels IMPOSSIBLE, if your goals feel completely out of reach, if sales feel unpredictable, if you’re constantly worried about what to do next to grow your biz… yep, The Wellness CEO Mastermind is your solution.

This mastermind is for

who are ready to break through their self-imposed limits and 
take charge of their business and their futures.

The Wellness CEO Mastermind is a close-knit, supportive community that's all about tough love and getting it done.
After all, nothing worth having ever comes easy.
And if you're not ready to show up and do the work… this might not be for you.
However, The Wellness CEO Mastermind IS perfect for you if…

You’re sitting at ~$2-7K revenue a month and feel STUCK

This Mastermind will show you how to break through this barrier and easily and consistently bring more income into your online coaching business – WITHOUT taking on more clients.

You’ve tried other things and not gotten you the results you want

The Wellness CEO Mastermind is *specifically* designed for health, wellness, lifestyle + mindset coaches who want to grow a multiple-six-figure coaching business – by me… the CEO of a multiple-six-figure coaching business.

You feel exhausted and totally tapped out

If scaling feels IMPOSSIBLE, if your goals feel completely out of reach, if sales feel unpredictable, if you’re constantly worried about what to do next to grow your biz… yep, The Wellness CEO Mastermind is your solution.

Some questions you might have about joining The Wellness CEO Mastermind:

I’m already feeling so maxed out with everything in my business, how much time will I need to dedicate to the Mastermind each week?

I get it! And that’s exactly why you’re here. The Mastermind will show you what you need to do to stop the never-ending cycle of busy work and doing things that aren’t moving the needle. You’ll learn where you should be spending your time and energy so that you’re actually making more money by doing LESS. I know that probably sounds too good to be true, but stick with me – I’ll show you how.

How is this different from other fitness business programs I’ve seen?

This is specifically for health and fitness coaches from a multiple-six-figure fitness coach. The wellness industry is SO different from B2B or B2C businesses. I know how to sell to those who need fitness coaching… and it’s not how you’d sell to just anyone out there! There are tons of business coaches, but you need one who has been where you are. That’s what I’m offering in The Wellness CEO Mastermind.

Can you guarantee that I’ll be making 6 figures in my coaching business at the end of the 6 months?

No coach can guarantee you’ll make money. (And if one does, RUN!). Coaching is a two-party relationship, and we both have to do the work for it to work. What I can guarantee is that I’m bringing you strategies that DO work. I believe that if you use these strategies and follow my guidance, you can absolutely be making the amount of money you want by the end of the Mastermind. 

If I start the Mastermind and I find it’s not for me, can I get a refund?

No, I have a strict refund policy (and I recommend you do, too). If your clients were allowed to quit 30 days in because they weren’t seeing results, they’d be missing out on the potential of the results they could get. As a fitness coach, you know that the magic happens when you go all in. There is power in commitment. That’s what you ask of your clients, and that’s what you’re doing when you commit to The Wellness CEO Mastermind. 

Do I need to have taken your other programs before I can enroll in The Wellness CEO Mastermind?

No, and you get access to ALL of them in The Wellness CEO Mastermind, so you won’t miss a thing! But you *should* have an established wellness coaching business where you consistently make ~$2-7K a month.

Do I need to show up to every live call, or can I catch a recording? 

While I do record the calls, there are MANY benefits to attending live! That’s where you’ll be able to ask questions and get support directly from me, so I highly recommend making it to as many calls as you can. But yes, if something comes up and you can’t make one, you’ll be able to watch the recording. 

Join The Wellness CEO Mastermind  Today

Get access to a full 6 months of support, 9 modules of business-building strategies and frameworks, private calls with me, group calls and our supportive Slack channel.
Copyright 2023. All Rights Reserved, Lynette Marie Coaching
Web design by Corinne Toussaint